Our Mission is compassionate service to those with mental health challenges and to their families within and beyond the walls of our parish.
We eagerly accept both anonymous and personal prayer requests. Please note we accept all types of prayer requests including but not limited to mental health, Pope Francis said "It is the human person as a whole who must be loved, accompanied and included in a network of enriching and constructive relationships," which is precisely what the St. Dymphna mental health ministry seeks to provide. Please let us know how we can support you through prayer. Contact the parish office or fill out our virtual prayer box form below.WE BEG YOU, LORD, TO HEAR THE PRAYERS OF ST. DYMPHNA ON OUR BEHALF. GRANT ALL THOSE FOR WHOM WE PRAY PRATIENCE IN THEIR SUFFERING AND REGSIGNATION TO YOUR DIVINE WILL. PLEASE FILL THEM WITH HOPE, AND GRANT THEM RELIEF AND CURE THEY SO MUCH DESIRE. WE ASK THIS THROUGH CHRIST OUR LORD WHO SUFFERED AGONY IN THE GARDEN. AMEN.